Minggu, 05 April 2009

I've got 11 months left

Start to think...

Maybe I don't belong in here.
Maybe I'll get out 11 months from now (I even smile when I notice that I have 11 months left, rather than 12, Hahahah...)

Start to realize..

I like the balancing things.
I'm happy when I have time for my self, my family and my friends
The unhappiest things in the world would be: lacking of memorable moment with those I love the most.
I'm not a material girl, I exactly know that money can't buy happiness.

Now I know,

That I'm not thankful enough for what i've got in the past. My last job, doesn't provide me with the career path, but they give me the best moment in my life, and meet me with the most gergous boss in the world and funniest co-work.

When I drop this job,
I'll seek for a job that giving me emotional stabilizer. That giving me much laugh and smile.
Maybe I'll be a playground teacher.
I'll be anywhere in local company.
Some kind of job that giving me less stress.
So I able to put my full attention to my boyfriend, family and friend.

Counting the days to get out from here.

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

9.59 pn

Be smart. Be responsive. Be brave. Be bold. Be optimistic.

Leave the doubtness. Leave fear. Leave confusion. Leave the uncertainty.

Think fast. Think now. Think the result. Think all. Think happy things.

I am good. I am best. I am all that I always want.

I am great. I am bliss. I am that no one can even think about.

I am wonderful. I am a beautiful surprise for someone who have been waiting for me.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

New Job New Life

Starting last Monday, I effectively worked in the new place, in the new corporate with a new job position.

Now I am a Public Relations for LG Electronics Indonesia.

Pertamanya, seems like it is a dream come true. It's always been my dream to work in the multi national company and dealing with many people. So here I go, living my dream.

Euphoria selalu datang di awal. Semuanya serba menyenangkan. Gue menikmati bangun pagi dan pulang sore (di tempat yang lama, gue ngga punya jam kantor. Jadi gue bisa dateng jam 10 dan pulang malem). Gue menikmati baju rapi dan sepatu tertutup (dulunya, gue ngga pernah bisa lepas dari t-shirt dan jeans serta sandal gladiator kesayangan gue). Gue bahkan menikmati jam makan siang tepat jam 12 siang (well, tingkat lapar gue diatas rata-rata orang. Jam makan siang gue adalah jam 11 siang, ngga bisa lebih dari itu).

Di sini, hidup gue berubah. Pattern hari gue juga berubah. Mungkin memang sudah saatnya gue untuk berubah. Inilah bentuk hidup baru gue. And I love it, still.

Dan lantas, euphoria itu sedikit hilang. Di hari ke-tiga, gue mulai menyadari arti kata-kata temen kantor gue waktu pertama kali menjabat tangan gue "welcome to the hell". Yeahh.. hell. Dimana semua harus serba cepet, serba tanggap, serba benar. Semuanya punya urusan masing-masing dan they don't have time for you. Ngga ada ketawa-ketawa during the office hour, harus serius, ngga boleh maen-maen. Ngga ada becanda-becandaan ngga penting waktu lagi bosan dengan kerjaan. Keep it the joke for my self. I even have to mengurangi disabel suara gue yang cempreng dan tinggi menjadi lebih rendah (baca:berbisik-bisik) Arghh....!!!

Di hari ke-empat gue disini, gue udah harus nyapin media roadshow untuk ke Surabaya.Dealling with talkshow and media gathering in which i never been created before!! Panik, stressfull, bingung, ngerasa bego, semuanya campur aduk. Banyak printilan-printilan yang malah biking gue jadi jungkir balik saking ngga ngertinya. Ngurus bisnis trip. Ngurus tiket dan hotel. Ngurus invitation buat media, rundown acara, dan talkshow. Dan ngga ketinggalan: News Release!!!

Okeee.. gue pernah jadi wartawan, dan pernah dateng ke acara product launching like thousand times. Tapi kan gue ngga tau cara meng-organize itu semua. I bingung. Pengen nangis. Ragu sama kapabilitas diri gue sendiri. Mampukah gue? Gue takut, kalo nanti di sana gue akan messed up things. Siapa yang bisa gue gantungin? No One!! I really have to depend on my self. Hikss..

Then.. ada Renaldy, my new office mate yang bilang 'There's always time for everything. It's good to have some kind of fear, so it keeps u alert on details' A kind of shokcing line yang akhirnya bikin gue semangat lagi. Make it good, make it right!

Dan di hari kelima, hem.. actually I hate to admit it, but yes... I do missed my old office, my old office-mate, my old boss and my old desk. Gue kangen mereka. Gue kangen kerjaan gue yang lama dan hidup gue yang 'terengut'. Gue kangen, tapi bukan berarti gue pengen balik ke sana. I just missed them, but I don't want to go back. Emm... sama seperti kayak lo kangen sama jaman muda lo, but however you just don't want to re-life it. Got it?

So yestarday, I came visit my old office just to met my old friend. Curhat tentang kantor baru, dan hidup baru gue. Dan mereka selalu bilang 'Ini baru pertama-pertama. Adjustment time. U'll get used to it kok. Tenang aja'


Anyway, now is weekend. Gue puas-puasin tidur dan nonton TV. Tapi jadi bosan sendiri, karena ngga ngapa-ngapain dan ngga ada kerjaan. Dasar aneh!

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

3 hours 25 minutes

So now I'm trying to stop making any excuse for you..

Bukan karena lo nya lagi ribet,
Bukan karena ada temen-temen lo yang bikin lo sedikit sibuk
Bukan karena lo kehabisan pulsa,
Ato sinyal yang susah di tempat lo,
Bukan karena HP lo mendadak nge-hang,
Hingga sampai di putaran 3 jam 25 menit, lo belom juga bales SMS gue

Bukan karena semua alasan-alasan itu.
Alasan-alasan yang gue buat untuk diri gue sendiri, supaya gue sedikit terhibur. Biar ada sedikit harapan. Biar punya sedikit alasan untuk ngebiarin diri gue sendiri terjebak sama ilusi ciptaan gue sindiri. Alasan yang membuat gue punya logical reason to stay still.


While, from that thousand of that excuse, truthfully, there's only one reason why you just don't reply it...

It is simply because you are no into me..

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

few words bout you

You're far far away from me
Don't know much about you
But I like what I see
We don't have to judge each other
We could just be
We could just breathe
Maybe wait and see
But in the meantime

Would you mind if I told you
I loved you tonight
Cuz it seems when you close to me
It's gonna be alright

We've been in love before
haven't we
But past loves like past lives
It seems to me
We don't have to fear this moment
We could go slow
See where this goes
Cuz you never know
But in the meantime

Would you mind if I told you
I loved you tonight
Cuz it seems when you close to me
It's gonna be alright

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Several things that ppl don't know bout me

Here's the things:

1. I never lend my books to ANYONE. Not even to my close friend. It is because I had bad experience on lending it. Three times I lended it to different friend, but it was just the same; my book was disrepair. Once I even cried loud because the cover was extremelly damaged.

2. I dream about having a private corner at my personal house and create it as my library, where I can put all my books and CD's collection. At there, I'll let my kids open and read all that books and listen to the music at once.

3. I have many friends, but I only have several best friend that I trust. And I making friend with anykind of person. As long as I'm comfort with them, they can be my friend.

4. Since I was kid, I always have a best friend that looks better than me. But I NEVER, even for once, feel like I'm living in their shadow. They might be have better look, but I'm nicer than them.

5. I Believe in Karma, both good and bad. What goes around comes around. Thus, I don't need any revange. For me Karma is much sweeter than revange.

6. I treated someone like I want to be treated by else.

7. I hate being late. I'm right-on-time person. Making some one waiting for me is irritating me. Thus, I hate people who come late. And I hate to pick up someone who's not ready yet. What is the hard things about being on time?

8. I NEVER failed in my class. The lowest score that I got during college is C (Sociology subject). It was the only C that I've got.

9. I more familiar with my granpa and grandma from my mother side, rather than my parents. Thus, when my granpa passed away, I feel like I lost a huge part of my soul.

10. I've ever crying at the office toilet because of broken heart. A terrible one.

11. My first atraction was Pandu. But my first love was Ade. I like him for almost 1 years, since I was in 7th grade to 8th grade. But I had no courage to show or to say it. If I could turn back the time, I really like to say to him how much I like about him.

12. I never cheated from my boy friend

That's all. I make this, just to killing time actully, while I'm waiting to feel sleepy. Hehehe...

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

Grieving for Wildan

My phone was ringing at early morning, when the sky still dark.

It was around 5 am.

I was still sleepy and still lil bit unconcious. All I remembered was Ajeng named was on my HP screen. She's calling for me. But I was toooo tired, toooo sleepy then I just ignore her call and turn my phone into silent mode, continue to sleep.

I woke up and noticed that Ajeng has call me for 4 times. I should call her back, but I did not. I straight went to bath room and prepared for work. As I arrived at my office, I was drawn into my job task. I forgot to call her back.

I was too bussy just to remember that one of my close friend has call me four times this early morning. I must be alert that this must be something important. Otherwise, she -a kind of NOT morning person- wouldn't called me when it was the time when she supposed still lay on her bed and sleeping.

I must be know that something just happened.

Around 8 pm, when I was enjoying a cup of tea, I remember to call her. I send her a text asking 'what's up dear?'

Minutes later, she replied my text and delivered a very shocking news. She wrote:
'Wildan just passed away.Please forgive him for any fault he did'

I dialed her number, and heared her sad voice.

Steadfastly, She explained of what happened to Wildan. He got brain infection and hospitilized 5 days ago. Turn out, the infection getting worse, and he passed away this morning. 2 hours after she found out that Wildan has gone, she tried to reach me. But I didn't picked her phone.

Yes I knew that it must be something happened, but I never expected that this thing would be this worse.

I ended the calls with HUGE regret. I wish that I were called her back as soon as I got up, I might had any chance to hear this sooner and would be able to be there for her. I wish I were called her earlier, she might be had someone to cheers her up. I wish I were called her ... I might had less regret.


He is Ajeng's 3 years boyfriend. They met in Yogya, where Ajeng went to college. I heard about him first was when Ajeng visited me in Jakarta. She told me that she's in depth relationship with someone that she's trully in love with. And it was Wildan that she's told about. She shown me his picture on her phone, and said that I should meet him.

Then, Ajeng linked me with his FS account. That was when me and Wildan recognizing each other. He's kind of nice and charming person, yet open. Really like to joke and discussing about anything. Although, we havn't meet yet, but I fell like I already know him.

He told me that I shuld go to Yogya and visit Ajeng. Then me and Wildan, can finally see each other face to face. He was curios about what I looks like, since Ajeng told him that I'm childish person with Chinesse looks while I'm javaness. I said to him that one day we'll meet but not in the close time. He promised me to take me and Ajeng around Yogyakarta and do whatever I want.

I though I'll have any chance to meet him and see his face, talking personally to him. I though he won't go anywhere. I though we have enough time living a life.

I never though that he'll gone.

Not this time. Not this fast.

I'm sorry that we couldn't realize our plan. Then maybe we'll met.. in other world.

May you rest in peace Wildan.

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

what women needs

My dearest lecturer, Mr. Joe said to me -and to us, girl who were sitting around him- that we should stop to be very strict in choosing a man.

Sudahlah, wanita, semakin merek bertambah dewasa, pilihan akan pria akan semakin berkurang. Jadi, ngga usah repot pengen yang dan yang itu. Yang penting, cari yang BERTANGGUNG JAWAB dan yang mau MERAWAT kalian. Itu aja. Yang kalian butuhkan, pada akhirnya hanya itu kok.


But still, I coudn't find that kind of man yet.

Ngga tau kenapa....

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Why oh Why

While we were sitting on Senci food court, one of my new friend throw me a statement (or perhaps, I could say he's statement as question, since he was wondering) :

Why people like reading? I do reading, but I don't really into book. I think I'm gonna buy one book and try to read it, and finally find what the enjoyment of reading.

That was he said.

And I just nodded, since I couldn't find what the right answer for him.

Yes, I do read a book. Even my close friend think that I lil' bit looks like geek. Hehehe... But yet, I couldn't bring the perfect opinion for that. So, I just shut my mouth down and tried to drive him into another topic conversation.

Truthfully, we all have the same question, doesn't we? I wondering why my little sister love to arrange her cloths in the closet every night, while I hate to do that ( I do it maybe only twice a month ). I wondering, why people like to smoke. I wondering why people like yogurt ( that silly food, hehehe.. )

Although I do arrange my closet twice a month, I still can stop wondering what the fun thing about arranging the mess up cloths every night! I even can not understand what's the joy thing about smoking, although I did it several times with different brand of cigarette.

I've tried it, but still I can not figure it out why my little sister did that or why people do smoking.

The same thing goes to read a book. I can give you thousand reason why I like read, and why people should read. However, you can not find it by yourself just by testing to read a book. It's called addiction honey!

As a newborn child, I can not read, I even can not stare. Then I could read, and arrange a sentence. But I don't read a novel, I read Bobo. Then a grow up, I read book sometime, but most of time I read teen magazine. As I become a young adult, I begin to read novel rather than magazine or anykind of books.

As a kid, you must be un-smoker. You know cigerette, and have seen people smoking a lot, but you did not smoke. Then you grow up, you get interest to smoke, try one. Now, you become an active smoker and smoking anytime you could.

People find enjoyment a thing not through one shot. Not only by one chance. Not by one reason.

Takes time to get used to it, as it's become major part of your life. Slowly but sure, your soul find the its enjoyment. Thus, the joy can not be defined by words, by single experience or even only by a moment of time.

Yeaah... I started to talk about crap in here. Better sign out now, and leave you with disagreement (maybe) or confussion (another chance). Hehehe...

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

The fact about you

She said she's not much feeling fine by standing in the middle between me and him.
I said I knonw that she won't do anything wrong and betray me.
She said she's fight for me and him and thus she's doing this.
I said I know about that and asked her not too worry.
She said she's afraid that he just like the other guy who chase after her.
I said that if this man would do the same old thing, I won't mad to her and blame on her.
She said that she'll feel very gulity if that happened to me.
I said if he's fallen for her it must be because he's not that into me.
She said she can't even imagine if it comes to realized.
I said that i'm preparing my self for that awkward circumstance, but promise her there'll be no such thing like hurt feeling.
She said that she just take him as a friend.
I said that I know her well, and kind of man like him would never take her heart.

Beepp... Beepp...
Your handphone is ringing
You speak to him, while I'm sitting next to you.
You look so enjoying the conversation, neglacting the fact that you've just said that you can not being in the middle between me and him for any longer.

You said you hate this situation because it seems that I don't left you with any options. Well gues what. You'll always have option in life.

If you hate being around him or having conversation with him, just don't pick up his phone and don't reply his text.

Don't said that you hate this, dear. Because deep down inside of you, I know that you're enjoying, every inche of it, very much.

Why you always play the same game? The game that makes people adore you. Physical is only part of you, not every part of you. So, I hope you are grown enough to understand.

Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

Beautiful Line

I've found this line on Peluk (Rectoverso - Dee's recent book):

Seseorang semestinya memutuskan untuk bersama orang lain, karena menemukan keutuhannya dalam bercermin, dan bukan karena ketakutannya akan sepi.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

I hate myself for being so impulsive

BIASANYA gue adalah orang yang plan-based. Kebanyakan yang gue lakukan adalah hasil rencana sebelum-sebelumnya. Waktu gue masuk Mall, BIASANYA gue udah tahu kesana buat ngapain, apakah itu ketemuan sama temen, mau makan, nyari buku, nungguin 3 in 1 selesai, ato cuman window shopping aja. Waktu masuk CD store BIASANYA I know exactly what CD I want to buy (walaupun sering juga iseng masuk CD store, ngecek-ngecek new release).

I mean, gue HAMPIR NGGA PERNAH melakukan sesuatu dengan alasan 'yaaa... ngga tau, lagi pengen aja'

I'm not an impulsive girl, anyway.

But, this well-planed girl turn into a very impulsive girl yesterday...

Mendadak, gue kemaren pengen karaokean. Gue bilang mendadak, karena keinginan itu muncul di saat gue lagi anteng di depan komputer gue, dan sibuk membalas e-mail2 dari client gue. Pas lagi artikel gue baru 3/4 nya selesai. Gue bukannya pas lagi ngga ada kerjaan. Matter of fact, I'm facing deadline. Dan tiba-tiba aja, gue ngambil kunci mobil di laci dan ngajak temen kantor gue, Endah buat karaokean. Berdua aja!

Dia sempet ngga yakin sih waktu gue ajakin, dan ngeluarin tampang 'Serius nih?'. Tapi gue dengan yakinnya bilang: iye.. gue mo karaokean. Yaa.. dia sih ngga nolak, however dia musti ke PIM hari itu dan rutenya pasti ngelewatin Permata Hijau (daerah tempat kita mau karaokean). Nothing to lose kalo buat dia. Yang bikin dia ngga yakin adalah: boo.. berdua aja nih? Terus apa kabar kerjaan lo? Udah jam 4 lho.. Jumat pula, ngga takut macet? Ntar lo balik lg ke kantor, ngga capek? Tadi kan lo siang udah ke Simprug, kalo lo sekarang ke Permata Hijau, bukannya lo jadi bolak-balik dan capek2in badan lo aja?

Bukannya cuman Endah yang ngga yakin, temen kantor gue satu lagi (alfred) juga udah wanti-wanti. 'Lo berangkat jam 4. Sampe sana paling cepet setengah 5. Karaokean sejam. Terus mo sampe kantor lagi jam berapa? Lo kurang kerjaan banget sih? Emang kerjaan lo dah selesai semua?'

Dan gue cuman cuek bebek. POKOKNYA GUE MO KARAOKEAN!!

Bener aja, pas keluar daerah Benhil, gue udah disambut sama sorakan kemacetan. Jumat, Ta... Jumat. Ya macetlaahh... Gue sebenernya udah berfikir mau puter balik aja, kalo sampe di jembatan rel kereta api itu masih macet. Ternyata..ngga. Jadi ya.. gue tancep gas, karaokean. Masuk daerah Permata Hijau, macet lagi. Jumat, Ta.. Jumat. Ya iylaahh... Mo puter balik udah nanggung banget. Deket lagi juga nyampe. Jadiii.. lanjut terus laaahh...

Sampailah gue di Nav, Permata Hijau. Jam 5. Pre menelvon.

Pre : Yannceee.. lgi dimana?
Gue : Di Permata Hijau pre. Kenapa?
Pre : Hehhh???!!! Ngapain?? (Permata Hijau emang bukan daerah maen gue. Wajar kalo Pre agak kaget)
Gue : Mo karaokean sama Endah. Ini lagi nunggu Endah. Dia lagi jemput pacarnya. Kenapa pre?
Pre : Oooo... Gak papa. Gue tadinya mo ngajakin lo ke Atma.
Gue : Ngapain?? Makan Bakso yaa??
Pre : Iya
Gue : Yaa... (agak setengah menyesal. Pre sebenernya udah ngajakin gue lewat FB, tapi gue ngga merespon. Gue pikir, ajakannya berlaku minggu-minggu depan. Biasanya kita emang ketemuannya abis gajian, huhuhu... Tambah menyesal membayangkan bakso Atma yang yummy itu)
Pre : Ya sudlah. Enjoy ur time. Maybe next week ya
Gue : Absolutly pre!
Pre : Daaaghh... yance!
Gue : Daaghh.. pre

Setelah itu, gue bengong di depan Nav for almost 1 hour nungguin Endah dateng sama si pacar. Grrrrr.........

Karaokean sejam. Kelar jam 7.

Balik lg ke kantor dan jalanan macet :(

Di dalem mobil, dengerin Ecoutez, ngantri macet, membayangkan if I could turn back time.

If I could turn back time, gue ngga akan pergi karaokean hari ini. Gue kan bisa pergi kapan-kapan. Ngga harus malem itu juga kan. Jumat lagi. Gue akan stay di kantor, ngerjain apaan kek, sambil nungguin kelar kantor. Mungkin gue akan nelvon pre, nanyain kapan mo ketemuan. Dia pasti ngajakin hari ini. Dan mungkin, sekarang gue lagi di Atma, makan bakso, sambil cerita-cerita (baca:curhat) sama pre. Dan ngga musti kejebak macet kayak gini. Badan tambah pegel, musti balik lagi ke kantor, belum lagi ngabisin bensin (inget taaa... krisis global!!!! berhemat doonggg... spending less, ok?!)

Gue skarang lagi coba berfikir: Kerasukan apa gue kemaren. Kok segitu impulsivenya ya?????????

Is it worth gue karaokean kemaren? NGGA SAMA SEKALI

Kapokkah gue for being so impulsive? BANGETTTTTTTTT....


Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

out of reach

Knew the signs wasn't right
I was stupid, for a while
Swept away, by you
And now I feel like a fool

So confused
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn't see
We were never met to be

Catch myself, from despair
I could drown if I stay here
Keeping busy, everyday
I know I will be ok

But I'm
So confused
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn't see
We were never met to be

So much hurt, so much pain
Takes a while to regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time
You'll be out of my mind
I'll be over you

And know I'm
So confused
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn't see
We were never meant to be

Out of reach, so far,
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There's a life out there for me

Senin, 19 Januari 2009

Things I really want to have

Sentimental fool.....

Pengen jadi cewek ber-OTAK, yang ngga selalu pake perasaan kalau udah berhadapan sama cowo yang gue suka.

Pengen punya REM HATI, so I can prevent my self for not falling so deep when I'm falling in love.

Pengen punya INDRA KEENAM, biar gue tahu maksudnya DIA for treating me like that.

Pengen punya obat AMNESIA DADAKAN, biar gue cepet lupa sama yang namanya chemistry dan segala beutiful quincident about him.

Pengen punya BETADINE HATI, jadi kalo sedih, sakit hati, cepet sembuhnya.

Pengen punya KACAMATA BATIN, jadi gue tau mana cowo yang dalemnya beneran baek mana yang dalemnya brengsek.

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

secret admirer

He is someone that lives near you. You know his laugh, the way his smile and the smell of his body.

You like him.
Yes, you do.
But, deep down inside of you, you know that no matter how hard you try, he still someone that out of your reach.

So then you play this game: stalk on him.
Your work day will started by turn-on your PC and open his FB account so you'll know his life or his day going. You check his recent status, you check his new wall, you check his new photo upload and even you open his photo album whenever you missed him.

You start to get obesses on him, and it's scared me a lot.

You said that I don't know what it fells like for having secret love. Well, guess what? I've been there and done that. I know exactly what it's like to love someone that much, while all I can do is see him passing by from faraway. I know how it's hurt when you love someone but he doesn't love you back.

I know all that things, dear. I recognize your pain. You are not the one who feel paralize because this stupid love.

I had once and I think, everybody have.

I have no suggestion for you. I'm gonna just sit down here, hearing you talking about him.

One day you'll get bore of this sick love and choose to leave him. By that time, I'll make a tost for you and enjoying a glass of wine with you.

Senin, 12 Januari 2009

This is a bad Monday

I log in to my facebook, and almost all of my friends list has complaining the same thing today : A TERRIBLE TRAFFIC JAM!!

It's monday and it's raining. And you can figure out, what happened next in here, Jakarta. Yes.. traffic jam. The worst one. Grrrrr....

I went to the office at 8, and arrived around 9. It's 15 minutes longer than it should. Well.. ok, it was only 15 minutes longer, perhaps I'm too early to complain.

But then... time to meet my client at Jl. Juanda. Normally, I can reached his office on 20 minutes or less, but yeaahh... It was traffice that make me have to took 30 minutes just to get there. I got the driver anyway, so I didn't drive this time :)

Back from my client's office, I took taxi because the driver had to pick up my partner first, while I didn't have time to wait for him any longer. In the next 30 minutes I had to be in Kuningan, had a meeting with my other client and I haven't prepare the document yet. And it was took around 45 minutes, irritating traffic jam, and cost Rp. 30.000,- to return to my office.

Do I have enough reason to complaining so far??? I got enough of this fucking traffic jam, anyway (mad mode: ON)

Again, I took taxi to Kuningan. The driver still hadn't show up yet.

The distance between my office to Kuningan normally is only around 15 minutes proximity. But I had to go about 30 minutes!!!! Two times longer.

Thanks God, when i got back to my office, the road was not as crowded as before. In 10 minutes I had arrive to my desk. Fiuhhh... The bonus: I got the nai-cha in my hand (it's like thai-tea with jelly inside. So yummyy...)

It's 6.32 pm, and I'm still in the office and starving. Afraid to get home. Frightened of the traffic jam that I might have gone through in this time.


So, I gues this is bad monday, afterall. Sigh.

Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

I think..

I think, some people are like to be rude, just because they want to transferred all the hurt and pain they've got in their life to others.

I think, some people are being nice, because they have optimisme in seeing life and have trust that 'good things happen to good people'.

I think, after gone many dated and serious relationship, we start to realize that material things and physical appearance can not change what we feel inside, but attitude and personality does.

I think, friend is quite easy to make, but to keep it is thousand times harder, because it's involved a lot of understanding, time, trust and caring.

I think, some of our friends is made to be with us only for certain period. We might not fit it to each other in the next time, and seperated without saying goodbye.

I think, it is important to have the type of our partner, because we will anytime he's arrived.

I think, all what people want is to be listened.

I think, we can not judge person by how much friends does they have, but we can judge them by kinds of friends their like to hang around.

I think, regret is good, so we learn to not taking anything for granted.

I think, 'all things happened for a good reason' is true. The problem is, sometime it's required long time to see what the good reason is, so we choose to get blind.

I think, people are all the same. We have some fear, we have some doubt, we have some pain, we have some hope, no matter how great they are.

I think, we don't like to be judge by our cover, but likely, we do the same thing to others.

I think, I'll get what I wanted, because I'm trying hard to get it.

I think, I'm happy, because I surrounded by happy people and happy family.

I think, I'm not that clever, but I'm not a betrayer.

I think... and I think.. if i'm ugly then so are you. heheheh....